Its Okay Not To Be Okay


Often as a society we get into a stigma that talking about whats wrong in your life is complaining and we don't want to burden others by expressing something that isn't right within our lives. I think we feel like there are worse things happening within our lives and who are we to complain? Its okay not to be okay. I fight anxiety and depression, this stems from a time back in my freshmen year of high school. Eight years ago my best friend committed suicide, my stepmom passed in a car accident and my grandpa passed away within three weeks of each other. I was heart broken, tired, and hurt. I couldn't get out of bed, I didn't want to hang with friends and sometimes I still feel this very same way. I have been seeing a counselor for eight years, I have seen three different people since I was 15. I have enjoyed the last person I have seen for the past four years, she gets me and gives me really good advice. I am not struggling as much as I was before but its someone that has a listening ear and I don't feel like I'm bothering. There was a time in my life that I thought I wouldn't make it to this point, I was reckless and felt like I had nothing to look forward to. And without my person (counselor) I think I wouldn't be where I am today. I have become a better friend, person and teammate by talking out my problems with somebody and expressing my emotions in a positive manner.

My advice:

  • Find your person to talk to- Everyone needs a listen ear every once and a while. Find that person and cherish them, these people are special and rare. 
  • Think of counseling- These people are bound by confidentiality, they cannot legally tell anyone, so you wont have to kill them if your secrets get out ;) They give great advice, will let you cry without judgement, and let you express what you need to say without a bat of an eyelash. 
  • Be that listening ear to others- Everyone needs someone. You don't know what people are battling within their own life so always be willing to listen to others when they have a problem. You never know if you're the reason that they are still here today. 


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